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October 7, 2013

Read 20 minutes and record for Home reading and Buckingham Reading Club everyday Math 4 p. 24 Questions 3-5 – Tuesday Math 4 Quiz Lessons 4 & 5 – Thursday Math 5 – 2 handouts – Tuesday Family Portrait Notice Lunch Lady – Wednesday Gym – everyday Please bring a cloth bag or a strong … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on October 7, 2013

October 4, 2013

Read 20 minutes and record for Home reading and Buckingham Reading Club everyday Math 4 handout “Equations for Addition and Subtraction” – Monday Math 4 Quiz Lessons 4 and 5 – Wednesday Math 5 – p. 20-22 questions 1,2 and handout – Monday Family Portrait Notice Gym – wash gym strip and bring back

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on October 4, 2013

October 3, 2013

Read 20 minutes and record for Home reading and Buckingham Reading Club Math 4 handout “Equations for Addition and Subtraction” Math 4 Quiz Lessons 4 and 5 – Wednesday Math 5 – p. 20-22 questions 1,2 and handout – Monday Farm Fieldtrip notice – Friday Gym – Friday Map of Me – Monday Name Art … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on October 3, 2013