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April 24, 2014

Read 20 minutes daily for Reading Club and Home Reading Club Gym Strip washed and bring back daily Math 4 Symmetrical Shapes handout – Tuesday Math 5 handout on Fractions – Tuesday Math 4 Quiz – Thursday Scholastic Book Orders – May 1 Reading Group homework for Number the Stars handout with questions and find … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on April 24, 2014

April 22, 2014

Read 20 minutes daily for Reading Club and Home Reading Club Gym Strip washed and bring back daily Math 4 p. 231 all Reading Group homework for Number the Stars and Mrs. Canderle’s Group Spelling Unit 26 – Thursday Social Studies -“Space Colony” – Thursday Earthquake notice – April 30 Sketch – Tuesday

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on April 22, 2014

April 17, 2014

Read 20 minutes daily for Reading Club and Home Reading Club Gym Strip washed and bring back daily Math 4 p. 225 Reflect and p. 246 questions 1,2 – Tuesday Candy for PAC Family Day Fundraiser Recorder “C Scale”- Wed. Spelling Unit 25 – Tuesday Pizza Orders due April 22 Reading Group homework for Number … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on April 17, 2014