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October 16, 2014

Read 20 minutes Student Photos – Friday Leadership sketch due Monday Math 5 handout Unit 1 Lesson 2 due Monday Science handouts on gravity and laws of motion  due Monday Reminder: Students may come in early at 8:30 to finish work or get support.

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on October 16, 2014

October 15, 2014

Read 20 minutes for Buckingham Reading Club 2 notices for Photos (Family and Individual) Math 4 handout “Patterns” – Thursday Math 5 handout “Patterns and Pattern Rules” – Thursday Parents sign Daily Language Quiz YPC forms are due. Please hand them in ASAP.

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on October 15, 2014

October 10, 2014

Read 80 minutes (20 min.s/night) for Buckingham Reading Club Thanksgiving Monday – no school Fieldtrip to Pumpkin Patch on Tuesday – wear boots! Hot Dog Orders – Tuesday Young People’s Concert – ASAP Science handouts on Motion and Forces due – Wednesday Wash Gym Strip – Wednesday

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on October 10, 2014