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Read 20-30 minutes. Please bring back home reading books. Daily Language Quiz – Friday Library book exchange – Friday Spirit Day – Monday (Dress as your favourite character from a book or have words on your shirt.)  

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on

January 19, 2023

Good morning Division 5 families. I hope you enjoyed your Snow Days! Just a friendly reminder that we have library today. Please bring back your library books. Also, the grade four students will be attending Young People’s Concert. Please make sure your child is dressed well for the weather. We often have to stand and … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on January 19, 2023

January 16, 2024

Read 20 or 30 minutes Name Tags – overdue Math Grade 4 page 76-77 questions 7abc, 8abc, 9ab, 10abc, 11, 12. These questions will help them to review for the test tomorrow. Math Unit 2 test Lessons 4-14 – Wednesday Math 3 – handout – Wednesday Spelling Unit 14 handout – Thursday  

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on January 16, 2024