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December 5, 2014

Read 20 minutes daily Hip Hop ticket request -ASAP Math 5 Unit 3 lesson 3 handout – Monday Math 4 Unit 2 Lessons 7,8 ; Do questions 1-4 to review for Quiz – Monday Grade 4 handout on Sable Island – Monday French 5 practise dialogue – Monday Wash Gym strip S.S.  On World map … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on December 5, 2014

December 2, 2014

Read 20 minutes Spelling Test – Friday Sketch “Your Choice” – Friday Hip Hop ticket requests – ASAP Math 5 Handout Unit 3 Lesson 3 – Monday Math 4 Unit 2  Lessons 7 (questions 1-4)  and Lesson 8 (questions 1-4) French conversation – Monday In Grade 5, we are working on  the Multiplication and Division Unit. … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on December 2, 2014

December 1, 2014

Read 20 minutes Math 5 Quiz signed Unit 2 – ASAP Math p. 79 questions 2-11 Math 4 Quiz signed – Tuesday Math 4 Unit 2 lessons 5-6 quiz – Tuesday French 5 memorize 1-20 orally – Thursday In Grade 5, we are starting the Multiplication and Division Unit. Students may want to explore the … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on December 1, 2014