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February 12, 2014

Read 20 minutes S.S. East Indians – Friday HACE nutrition handouts – Friday Fruit for Valentine’s – Friday Speed Control Assembly 9:00 a.m., 2:30 p.m. – Friday Math 4 finish Division Booklet and test signed – Monday Math 5 p. 179 questions 1-5, 11 and Reflect – Monday Jump Rope for Heart permission – Monday … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on February 12, 2014

February 10, 2015

Read 20 minutes Library Book exchange – Wed HACE nutrition handouts – Wed Math 4 Unit 3 Lessons 7-10 Division Test – Wed Math 5 Questions 1,2, 5 on page 172 – Wed French quiz – Wed Lunch Lady – Wed

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on February 10, 2015

February 6, 2015

Read 80 minutes No School on Monday  “Family Day” Wash Gym Strip – Tuesday French Quiz – Tuesday/Wednesday PAC meeting Tuesday at 6:30 S.S. paragraphs for country study – Tuesday Science Experiment “Going Cracker” – Tuesday Grade 4 Math Lesson 10 handout – Tuesday Grade 5 Math Unit 5 Lesson 1 – Tuesday Grade 4 FSA … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on February 6, 2015