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May 20, 2015

Read 20 minutes Pizza Day Pizza Notice Ms. Wong’s reading group “Gross Pt. 2” handout – Thursday Math 4 p. 204 – all questions – Thursday Math 5 p. 260 questions 1-3 and handout Math 4 Unit 5 Lessons 7-14 test – Tuesday Victoria Field Trip – Friday 7:15 a.m.

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on May 20, 2015

May 19, 2015

Read 20 minutes Library book exchange – Wednesday Dragon Boating – Wednesday Federal Government Questions – Wednesday Ms. Wong’s reading group “Gross Pt. 2” handout – Thursday Math 4 p. 204 – all questions – Thursday Math 4 Unit 5 Lessons 7-14 test – Tuesday Victoria Field Trip – Friday 7:15 a.m.

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on May 19, 2015

May 15, 2015

Read 80 minutes Math 4 p. 200 – 201 all questions – Tuesday Title Page for Unit 7 for Grade 5 Math – Tuesday Victoria Day- Monday No School Dragon Boating on Wednesday (We are short drivers. Please let us know if you are available) Buckingham newsletter with important dates for the rest of the year. … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on May 15, 2015