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Read 90 minutes Memorize Winter Songs for the Sounds of Snow Concert Just a reminder that the class is expected to perform for both the afternoon and evening concert on Wednesday. If your child is unable to attend the evening concert, please write a note in the planner or contact Ms. Berar through her email … Continue reading »

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December 7, 2022

Read 30 minutes Props or costumes for Book Creator (Only if you need to bring something from home) Math handouts on Graphing if you are not done. Spelling Unit 8 handout and words in planner – Thursday Two songs to practice for Music Please indicate in your child’s planner or email me if you are … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on December 7, 2022

December 5, 2022

Read 30 minutes Library Books – Tuesday Music 8:50 a.m. – Tuesday The oldest child in the school will be taking home concert tickets for the evening concert. Every family will have two tickets for the evening performance. Drawing class handout.

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on December 5, 2022