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June 3, 2024

Posted by on June 3, 2024

Read 20-30 minutes

Library books – Tuesday

Math 4 Decimals Quiz – Tuesday


Mr. Lai would like me to forward the following information about the Grade 4 field trip to Watermania on June 11, 2024.

The shape of the day will be as follows: 

9:00 am:

We will be leaving at 9:00 am and arriving at about 10:00 am. Watermania will make everyone wait until Mr. Lai pays for the students. Please have the students find Mrs. Canderle for attendance so she can confirm how many students are going to swim. 


Although Watermania will have their employees, teachers and parents can also help supervise. We don’t all have to be there, but there should be a few teachers and some parents to help out. Mr. Lai will be outside preparing lunch.  


12:00 pm: Lunch 


There is an area on the side of Watermania to have a BBQ picnic. There are also picnic tables. Students will be sent in groupings to the picnic area. Division 5 will follow Mrs. Canderle’s instructions about lunch.  There will be burgers and hotdogs for parents, staff, and students. There will be halal, vegetarian, and non-beef options available. After lunch, students can return to the pool for a bit. Adults can have whatever choice of burgers and/or hotdogs. 


1:30 pm Students leave the pool to change their clothes. 


2:00 pm Leave Watermania. Return to school 


3:00 pm Expected arrival back at school 


Thanks for all your support and cooperation! 






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