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May 1, 2014

Posted by on May 1, 2014

Read 20 minutes daily for Reading Club and Home Reading Club
Gym Strip
Ms. Wong’s reading group handout – Monday
Math 4 handout symmetry – Monday
Math 5 p. 173 questions 1-5
Math 4 Quiz Lessons 1,3,5, 6,7- Monday
Ask parents about driving to Track on Tuesday
Social Studies Test – Wednesday

Handouts to refer to for S.S. quiz:
1. Brain Pop – Christopher Columbus
2. Pros and Cons for Christopher Columbus
3. Brain Pop – Vikings
4. Notes on Vikings
5. Space Colony
6. Sailing into Adventure
7. Curious Columbus with copy from textbook and handout of notes
8. The Mariner’s Astrolabe
9. A Closer Look handout

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