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Monthly Archives: September 2024

September 23, 2024

Read 20-30 minutes Return Library books – Tuesday Grade 4 drills (practice adding) – Tuesday Spelling handout – Thursday If you can please donate for the Terry Fox Run. Here is the link. Scholastic Book orders were sent out today. Please use the QR code to go to find our school.    

Categories: Homework | Leave a comment

September 16, 2024

Welcome Division 5 Families to our class blog! Today, the students have a little bit of homework. Homework: Read 20-30 minutes Bring back their library book for Library tomorrow. Have the parents review and initial and sign the student information sheets. Early dismissal will happen on Wednesday at 2 p.m. for parent intake meetings. We … Continue reading »

Categories: Homework | Comments Off on September 16, 2024