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Monthly Archives: January 2020

Read 30 minutes Math 4 p. 286 questions 2, 4, 5, 6 – Tuesday Math 5 p. 90 questions 5, 6, 7 – Tuesday Young People’s Concert  – will be leaving the school around 10:15 and will return for lunch Math Quiz on multiplication – Friday/Monday Thanks to all the parents who have contacted me … Continue reading »

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Dear Parents, Thank-you for returning your child’s permission  form for Blood & Iron. At this point we have most of the kids’ permission and waiver forms. Thank-you to all parents who have offered to drive so far. Unfortunately, at this time, we are still short rides (about 8 seats) per day. Please contact me if … Continue reading »

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Read 30 minutes Circus performance (gr. 6/7s) at 1:30 – Friday Grade 5 p. 90 questions 1a, 2a, b,c, c – Friday Science – Sort Kinetic and Potential Energy examples Finish Cursive “G” – Friday Grade 4 p. 286 questions 1a, 1b, 3abc – Friday Subway – Friday Math Quiz on Multiplication Facts and Larger … Continue reading »

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