Sciences Humaines 8



**PLEASE NOTE: This is a French Immersion course and is taught exclusively in French. Information here is in English for the understanding of parents and others who need it! 

The Sciences Humaines 8 course is instructed using solely the French language and it explores some of the world’s most interesting history: the rise and fall of civilizations. Students will investigate the fall of the Roman Empire, knights in shining armour, the ancient civilizations of India and China and explore the origins of the world’s major religions. Students will also learn about the cultural development of the Renaissance and be exposed to some of the most famous works of art in history. Students will learn how to correctly take notes, create diagrams, and use organizers to help them organize their ideas and arguments. Current events is also an important part of any Social Studies course and students are strongly encouraged to spend some time watching/reading the news. We will be spending time in class discussing current events from our community and abroad! 

Big Ideas:

  1. Contacts and conflicts between peoples stimulated significant cultural, social, political change.
  2. Human and environmental factors shape changes in population and living standards.
  3. Explorations, expansion and colonization had varying consequences for different groups.
  4. Changing ideas about the world created tension between people wanting to adopt new ideas and those wanting to preserve established traditions.

Core Competencies:
Teaching and learning in this course will focus on the 6 major Core Competencies as per district and
provincial curriculum guidelines. These 6 Core Competencies are:
Communication: How students exchange information, experiences and ideas.
Creative Thinking: How students generate new ideas and take them from thought to reality.
Critical Thinking: How students make judgements based on reasoning and available information.
Positive Personal & Cultural Identity: How students create healthy personal and cultural awareness in a pluralistic society.
Personal Awareness & Responsibility: How students develop awareness of skills and strategies to stay healthy both physically and mentally.
Social Responsibility: How students contribute positively to their families, community, society , and the environment.


Course Outline (2019-2020) – English version

Course Outline (2019-2020) – Version francaise

Journal d’actualités (Current events log)

TERM 3 – Lessons & Assignments