Changing Seasons
Hello Families. I took this photo while driving around Stanley Park this morning. The image of a lonely park bench, memories held in the bunch of flowers resting there amidst the unstoppable season of change impacted me deeply.
I have experienced some changes recently and I am excited to share with you that I am in a temporary position at Windsor School as a Youth Connect Worker. I continue to provide outreach for the Family Drop-In while we are still unable to invite families into our school.
I am thrilled to be in the school and working with the school community. Last week I spoke with school children on the playground who told me that their younger siblings are “bored” at home and that they want to come to Family Drop-In. Sometimes I run into parents who tell me that they miss the Drop-In program terribly. Really what I think we all miss is seeing each other and sharing happy moments. As we continue to look forward to the changes that will allow in person Drop-In programs to resume, I hope to stay in touch.