Division 6

Welcome to our classroom!

November 21, 2018
by watsonl

Autumn “Stone Soup”

Division 5 all contributed to bringing and preparing a delicious assortment of vegetables for our Friendship Autumn Soup.  Thank you to everyone for sending a vegetable to share and to our parent volunteers who helped supervise students as they chopped their veggies. It was the perfect addition to our lunch on a wet and rainy day.

November 13, 2018
by watsonl

Meet the Constable!

Here is a quick glimpse into our morning visit with Constable Frank Tarape last week!  It was so fun for the kids to get to ask questions and engage with this important member of their community.  Our special thanks to Ms. Henderson for arranging this opportunity for us.

November 8, 2018
by watsonl

Welcome to Division 5’s Blog!

We are so excited to begin communicating with our families and students in this new medium!  We will be using a message in the planner to let you know to take a peek at our website until further notice.  Thank-you for your support as always! Mrs. Canderle and Mrs. Watson