This week we have been exploring themes around Remembrance Day. We used the book, What Does Peace Feel Like? by Vladimir Radunsky, as our inspiration and then completed the phrase, “Peace feels like”. The students shared their ideas on these beautiful doves which will be on display as part of a larger school-wide bulletin board. Each of their individual ideas has been recorded below.
Peace feels like…
- A field of flowers mixed with a shield of happiness. (Nuha)
- Happiness – lovely hearts beating. (Parker)
- Joy, like when I’m playing hockey. (Nayam)
- Love… when evil turns into good by a love arrow. (Owen)
- Happiness everywhere. (Isaiah)
- Sweet… when you eat banana ice-cream. (Conrad)
- Happiness and joy. (Russell)
- Joy … when you get a gift and love. (Emma)
- I feel grateful when I think of soldiers fighting for us. (Mataya)
- An excited family celebrating their child’s birthday. (Arissa)
- An angel making you fly in the sky with happiness. (Chris)
- Happy… when you have friends playing with you. (Matthew)
- Joy… like when I am playing. (Ingrid)
- The respect that I feel for the soldiers that sacrificed their lives for our country and home. May everyone feel peace and love like I did. (Claire)
- A birthday party that brings joy and love and when your mom gets you a cat! (James)
- Love from people you love and respect like your mom, dad, and friends. (Evelyn)
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