Learning in the Spirit of Wonder and Joy

Month: September 2020

More Community Programs

Many Burnaby organizations are working very hard to support families and young children.

To check out the attached calendar filled with free family and children’s programing in Burnaby click here: FREE EDITED Programs fall-winter 2020 Master Burnaby (1) This program was compiled by Burnaby Early Childhood Development.

For more information on Burnaby Covid 19 activities, support and services for children 0 to 6 years old and families go to: http://www.kidsinburnaby.ca/

Support From Anita

Hello StrongStart families,

Here is a write-up from our wonderful, warm and experienced community partner Anita offering parenting support.

Anita Olson – Early Childhood Community Consultant (ECCC) – supporting parents/caregivers with children ages 0-5 years old. Questions/concerns about behaviour, development, needing strategies or other resources call/text/email for a free virtual or socially distanced consultation.

604-723-9548 or email aolson@fsgv.ca

Join Monday’s Coffee and Chat parenting support group to get connected with other parents, learn some helpful tips about parenting and discuss your own parental celebrations and challenges. Meetings are via MS Teams – email aolson@fsgv.ca, subject line JOIN COFFEE AND CHAT, and an invite will be emailed to you. For assistance in MS Teams installation click here.

If you are interested in joining the ECCC Resource Newsletter please email aolson@fsgv.ca, subject line ADD TO RESOURCE NEWSLETTER and you will begin to receive children’s activity ideas, family resources offered in Burnaby and so much more.




Our Own Corn!

Hello StrongStart friends,

Do you remember when I did a little science experiment with popping corn? I put a handful of corn kernels on a two sheets of paper towels soaked with water and covered the corn with more wet paper. After few days in the sun on my windowsill, the corn sprouted. After few more days, the sprouts became bigger and longer and some grew light green leaves.


I put the sprouted corn kernels in the planter by our StrongStart and covered them with dirt. I was wondering what would happen. The sun shining and rain falling made a miracle! If you are walking by our centre come and explore, bring your magnifying glass if you have one, or just your curious eyes: we have real corn growing! Look up close, touch, count the seeds, feel the husk and silk. You are even welcome to pick the corn and enjoy it. First come, first serve!


When you walk around in community gardens this harvest season, or in your own gardens or even in the grocery store doing your regular shopping, there is a great opportunity to notice and talk with your child about fruits and vegetables, learn their names, talk about different parts, shapes and colours, textures, where they grow and how. With most fruits and vegetables being available all year long, most children do not know there is a season when fruits and vegetables are grown locally and are tastiest. If you involve your children in noticing/shopping/picking up fruits and vegetables, they will be more likely be willing to try something they never tried before! Preparing food together adds another learning opportunity and fun time spent together.

If you have the opportunity try visiting a pumpkin patch or corn maze during this harvest season or a local farmer’s market (with all safety measures of course).

Enjoy the harvest season!

Miss Lillian



StrongStart Re-connection

Dearest StrongStart Families,

It seems like just yesterday that we said our goodbyes for the summer and here we are – counting down the last days of September with harvest season upon us! I hope you all found the ways to relax and enjoy your summer with your families and that you are staying healthy and safe. We had some wonderful weather over the summer and some really trying conditions in the last couple of weeks.

This year will continue to be a roller coaster one for all of us with so many changes, adaptations, uncertainties and worries but I am hoping that by staying connected, being kind, taking care of ourselves and each other, we will get through this together.

It was my privilege to spend the first few days of school supporting our Kindergarten children starting Twelfth Avenue school. I was so amazed at how well they did and oh, so proud of all of them and happy to see their joy!

Please rest assured, all young children are resilient and adaptable and with your loving help and support they will get through these difficult times.

I know the question on everybody’s mind is when StrongStart is going to open.

Here is a message from our School District:

In September 2020, Burnaby StrongStart BC programs will continue to engage in outreach to families via emails, phone calls, and offering StrongStart services online.

There is currently no in-person StrongStart BC programs in Burnaby Schools.  

We are looking into a variety of options that will enable us to offer in-person StrongStart BC programs. Programs will be at reduced capacity that are consistent with Stage 2 of the K-12 Education Restart Plan. “Reduced capacity” means that we will limit the number of families attending in order to maintain safe physical distancing. We will also reduce the number of hours per day and/or days per week of StrongStart BC operations to accommodate cleaning and disinfecting protocols.  

Please continue to visit our website for the latest updates. We look forward to when we can welcome you back in person!  Looking forward to connecting with you again!

Starting today, September 21st, I will be back to support you remotely. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can help in any way

Miss you all, much love and hugs to all! Stay safe and healthy!

Miss Lillian