Growth Chart

Clouds were added to our growth chart for each student at their current height.  Penguins were also added at their typical height.

Students enjoyed seeing how they ‘measured up’ to both their classmates and the penguins.

Students will be measured again in June to see how much they will have grown in height.


Pringle, the Penguin arrived on January 13 in a very cold box from the South Pole.  Along with Pringle we received the novel “Mr. Popper’s Penguins”.  Due to Covid-19 restrictions this year we are not able to send home the actual stuffy.  Instead students are taking home a laminated photo with an individual Journal page for students to record their fun and experiences with Pringle.  When they bring them back the next day they share their Journal entry with the class as part of our daily Calendar time.

Along with Pringle, a few other penguins have joined our class for the next two months while we study all about penguins.

ADST – Dream Playgrounds

I will post the finished pictures here when they are submitted to me:

This one is Jonathan’s:

This one is Jasmine’s:

This one is Chase’s:

This one is Maddy’s:

This one is Aaron’s:

This one is Adam’s:

This one is Aidan’s:

This one is Ethan’s:

This one is Manuel’s:

This one is Nathan’s:

This one is Sophie’s:

This one is Katie’s:

This one is Lily’s:

This one is Weston’s:

This one is Roberto’s:

This one is Mikylla’s:

ADST – Elevation of a Building

To help with this project – located on our Teams site under Assignments – I am showing some pictures to help you with the written instructions.


Have some fun with it!



STEP 3 and 4:


STEP 6 and 7:

Note: The spaces above the vet clinic and the bakery are meant to be individual apartments which are reached via the elevator in the lobby between the two shops.  They have not been filled in with furniture or people, etc. as I ran out of time🙂

100’s Day Activities

Students did hundreds of things last Thursday for our 💯s Day celebrations.


And then the jelly beans were eaten …