Lunar New Year Celebrations

Next Thursday will be Lunar New Year.  We will be having our traditional dumpling making, our assembly, and our pot luck luncheon.  A form about this has already been sent home.  We will be performing a poem at the assembly.  A copy of this poem will be sent home tomorrow for students to do extra practise.

Last week we began making our lanterns.  These are being made out of water colour paper, on which the students have painted a scene.  Tomorrow they will be drawing lines on the back, cutting them part way through, adding a top and bottom border, and turning them into lanterns.  These will be hung in the gym, along with other lanterns created by other classes, as decoration for our assembly.

JUMP Rope for Heart

On February 6th we participated in our JUMP event, during the afternoon, with our Division 2 buddies.  We had a lot of fun doing a variety of skipping techniques including partner skipping and the long rope.  We decorated our paper hearts and began the heart wall in the gym.  Other classes added their hearts to the wall, as well.



Through the generosity of our parent community we have raised a great deal of money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation – over $2800.

Mobile Dairy Classroom

On January 16th we were lucky to have a visit from the Mobile Dairy Classroom.  A huge trailer came onto our school grounds with a mother dairy cow and her baby calf.  Students learned what cows eat, how they have 4 stomachs to digest their food, and how they produce milk.  They saw the cow being milked by the milking machine and saw the calf being feed this milk via a baby bottle.





It was a very enjoyable and educational experience for all of us.

Christmas Clay Project


We had a great time working with clay for our Christmas presents to our families.  Students began with the raw clay which they formed around a wooden doweling (forming the hollow centre necessary for the firing process).  The grade ones created snow people and the grade twos created gingerbread people, as they had made snow people last year in my class.  They created the bodies in three sections and then made the hats. These needed to dry for almost a week before they could be put into the kiln.

After they had been fired the students glazed them and then they were re-fired.  Students then decorated their people and they were ready to be wrapped to be given as gifts.  I hope you all enjoyed them!!






Happy Hallowe’en

On Friday, October 31st students – and staff – arrived at school in a wide variety of costumes.  We had our Costume Parade after Recess.  This year we did our parade to the accompaniment of Mr. Olson and his musical marching band.

In the afternoon we enjoyed a ‘ghostly’ craft, ate some treats, and played with friends during Centres time.

This morning I heard all about the students’ fun during Hallowe’en evening, and their weekend.  I am very happy to hear that all were safe – and dry!!  We were very lucky with the weather this year.

Terry Fox Run



Even with our school year starting late this year, we still managed to get our learning in about Terry Fox.  In our class we discussed his life and what he accomplished in that short life.  We had a talk about cancer and how, because of the awareness that Terry brought to this serious disease, more and more people are surviving than did in the past.

As next Spring is the 35th anniversary of when Terry began his Marathon of Hope, we are focusing our major fundraising efforts for then.  We will also be doing our big run then, as well.  We had planned to do our regular run two weeks ago – and then a more involved one next Spring – but the weather was rather inclement that day.  We had a short assembly followed by our (indoor) corn roast instead.  With the students we talked about how Terry ran in all sorts of weather (fair or foul) but he was an adult and could make that choice for himself.  We didn’t think it was a good choice for our young students.

In our class we did write, on special sticker forms, for whom we were going to be running.  We will use these next Spring.  Today, as a part of one of our Fin’s Friends (Canucks’ character building programme) we discussed ‘perseverence’.  Naturally Terry was again discussed as I cannot think of anyone better suited as a role model for not giving up – no matter how difficult something is.  Students seemed to really understand what it means to persevere and will, hopefully, be able to incorporate that trait into their lives.