Key of Harmony

I was very lucky to be invited to hear the Burnaby District Children’s Choir, which is called “Key of Harmony”, perform their Christmas concert at the Brentwood Park Alliance Church this evening.  Thank you, Maya F.!!

We are very lucky, at Rosser, that Mr. Phelps has taken on this job this year.  It is great to be able to host this choir at our school as it makes it so accessible for our students.  We have thirteen students (from Grade 1 to Grade 4) in the District Choir this year.  Division 5 has three of these students in our class – Maya F., Ella, and Jackie!!

The choir sang a nice selection of Christmas songs intermingled with an audience participation sing-along of some Christmas carols.  I think I am starting to get that “Christmas feeling”.

Gingerbread Houses

On Friday I sent home a notice about this activity.  The children really enjoy making these candied houses!  Please send in the items on the notice by Friday, Dec. 14th so that I can get things all ready in time.

In addition to the items on the list, if any of you has any empty small sized milk cartons (creamo or whipping cream, as well) could you please rinse them out and send them in with your child?  We used to have a surplus of these but now that we don’t have the milk programme anymore we don’t have as many.

Thanks for your help with this project!

Hallowe’en Costumes

We had a very fun-filled and exciting Hallowe’en day.  We began with our Hallowe’en parade in the gym with the whole school.  Don’t they look great??

We had our regular morning routines through until lunchtime.  After lunch we were invited by Mr. Phelps to watch “The Great Pumpkin” cartoon with Charlie Brown.  I then read them “Froggy’s Hallowe’en” before we went up to the Haunted House put on by the Me to We club.  Our class collected a whole box of canned goods for the Food Bank!!  Well done!!

The rest of our afternoon was spent with Hallowe’en games, cupcakes (for Marco’s birthday), and Centres.  A very fun afternoon.

Pumpkin Carving with our Buddies

We had a very fun-filled afternoon as the whole school worked in the gym carving pumpkins.  Division 5 was partnered up with Division 2 for our first ‘buddy’ activity of the school year.  Everyone seemed to have a very good time getting to know their new buddy – plus, of course, cleaning and carving their pumpkin.

These great looking jack o’lanterns will be picked up from our school tomorrow and will be set up at the Confederation Park train for their display for Hallowe’en tomorrow evening.

Me to We Play Day

As the winners of the Terry Fox fundraiser, our division won a play activity with the Me to We club.  This afternoon we were treated to fun-filled hour of gym activities set up the Ms. Sikic’s club.  There were five stations including: tail tag; bean bag hand ball; one where you knocked over skittles while on a balance ball; an obstacle course to maneuver while carrying wiffle balls in a scoop; and a scooter course.  The class was divided into five groups and they rotated through the different stations.

We gave our hosts a great big “thank you” for their thoughtful planning and their clever station set ups.

Today’s Terry Fox Run / Corn Roast

We held our Terry Fox assembly and run this afternoon.  The Grade 7’s put on a wonderful assembly which consisted of: a slide show; a video clip of Terry’s Marathon of Hope; student speeches about Terry; the whole student body singing an inspirational song; and the announcement of the poster contest and which division raised the most money.

Guess what?!?!?  Our division (5) raised the most money of all the other divisions.  We raised $76.00!!!!!!!  We are all very happy and excited to have been able to raise this money in support of cancer research in Terry’s memory.  I send a HUGE THANK YOU to all the parents who helped their child understand and appreciate the importance of charity for such a worthy cause!!!

Terry Fox Run / Corn Roast

On Friday we will be having our Terry Fox Assembly and Run.  This will be followed by our annual Corn Roast.  Parents are very welcomed to join us for this important event.

I will be telling the class about Terry and his journey across Canada – as well as his battle with cancer.  Students will be decorating a paper ‘running shoe’.  They will be encouraged to dedicate their run to someone they know who currently has cancer; has survived a bout with cancer; or who has lost that battle.