Carnival – 90th Anniversary

It was great to see so many of the students – present and former – along with their families at our celebration last Friday afternoon / evening!  The children seemed to really enjoy the wide variety of games, the food (popcorn, cotton candy, cake, and hot dogs), the face painting, and the prizes.  We were very lucky that the weather held off for us.  I hope you all had a chance to check out the displays of the decades (in the gym) that classes had made.

Our class made the posters for the 1960’s and the 1970’s.  In the two weeks before the carnival we discussed important events from these two decades.  Students made Canadian flag-socks as they learned that our current flag became official on February 15, 1965.  We also enjoyed music from these decades during our activities those first two weeks.  Many of these songs the students actually knew as they have been re-used in more current movies.

A huge thank you to all those who helped us out by volunteering at a station for the carnival!  I think it was a great success and will be a great memory for the students as they progress through their school years.



Sports Day Fun!

Sports Day 2013

We were very fortunate to have our Sports Day festivities completed before the onslaught of the torrential downpour of rain!!  Students seem to have a really good day.  The Grade 7’s planned a nice selection of fun activities for the classes.  It was great to see so many parents out to enjoy the day with their children.

Some Wee Folk

Unfortunately we are not in session for St. Patrick’s Day this year.  That does not mean that we won’t be learning about some traditions and symbols of Ireland, though.  Mrs. Schwarz has been playing some Irish tunes during the Music Listening programme each day.  We will be reading a few stories and doing some activities.  On Friday we will be finishing up our ‘layered’ oil pastel shamrocks that we began last week.  I will be posting pictures of these at the weekend.

Students have been thinking and writing about what ‘3 wishes’ they would hope for if they were to ever catch a leprechaun.  They know that they should wear green on March 17th – or they are subject to a pinch!  Rumour has it that the Kindergarten class has been busy preparing leprechaun ‘traps’.  We will have to wait until we return from Spring Break to see if any traps are sprung or if any wee folk are captured.

A conversation was overheard today, from a few of our girls, while they were wondering if there were any ‘girl’ leprechauns.  Hopefully, when they see these pictures on the white board tomorrow, that question will be answered:)


Valentine’s Day

In addition to our full and busy 100’s Day today, we had time to deliver Valentines to our friends – and some teachers, too!  These were all sent home today for students to enjoy opening up as we had no time to do so during our busy day.

Thank you to all who sent in snacks for today.  Some were eaten today, but with an afternoon that included – a 45 minute badminton lesson, 45 minutes with Mr. Phelps in Music, and the last half hour with Mrs. Levington in the library – we didn’t have a lot of eating time.  These have been kept in the class to finish up tomorrow and then any containers will be sent home.


100’s Day Celebrations

We had a great day today!!  Wow, were we ever busy!  We have spent the last two days getting ready for our celebrations.  Thank you for helping your child get their 100 collection posters finished last weekend.  They look fantastic!!

In class students made crowns with 100 items drawn on them – in ten groups of tens – which we attached to headbands that had 20 stickers arranged in a pattern and labelled with the numbers counting from 5 – 100 by 5’s.  Today students made Fruit Loop necklaces with 100 cereal pieces – 10 groups each of 10 pieces in different colours.  Most students made lovely patterns.  Colton challenged himself and did his whole necklace in two colours counting by twos!

Thank you to all who sent in a collection of 100 small food items.  Some of the grade twos divided these into individual containers which were enjoyed at Recess time.

All in all, I believe that it was a successful 100th day of school.

100’s Day is Coming!!!

100’s Day is a special day for primary students.  It is the 100th day that we have been in school this school year.  The actual date fluctuates in any calendar school year, depending upon holidays and other school interruptions.

This year, for us, the date falls on February 14th which is also Valentine’s Day.  In order to get all the activities done that we like to do for these two days, I am sending home a tag board 100 poster for the students to arrange their 100 collections upon.  There is a letter explaining all of the needed information attached to this poster.  It is coming home tomorrow so that you may spend some time on the long weekend to get this completed.

Thank you, in advance, for helping your child collect and glue their collections on this poster.  They may colour/decorate the board first before they glue their items on it.  Please ensure that they put their names on this poster.  Also, please use liquid white glue so that the items will stick solidly on the poster as these will put put up on the bulletin board.  Once the glue is dry it is not very visible.



Our JUMP Rope for Heart Event

On Friday, January 11th we had a ‘Kick-Off’ assembly with a representative from the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  Our ‘Heart Hero’ (Derek) made an appearance as well.

At the assembly, students learned how to keep their hearts healthy.

This past Friday (January 18th) we held our JUMP event.  We created a Heart Wall with the red paper hearts – where students had recorded their ideas about keeping healthy – that had been sent home with their pledge forms.  In the afternoon, classes each had a 40 minute block where they met their buddy class in the gym and had a lot of fun jumping rope.   We were very lucky that this year we didn’t have rain!  This meant that we got to enjoy jumping outside of the gym on the basketball court.  Students enjoyed skipping on their own – and with the long ropes, as well.


If you haven’t already done so, please return your completed pledge forms – or register your collected fundraising on-line by Wednesday, January 23rd.  Thank you for your support of this very worthy charity.

Gingerbread Houses!

Division 5 had a lot of fun this afternoon creating their lovely little gingerbread (Graham Wafer) houses.

I was very impressed with the generosity of the students with their sharing of their supplies with those who had none.

All students seemed to have a very fun time.  It was a very nice ending to a very busy day of preparation for our Christmas concert.


Santa’s Workshop – by Me to We

The Me to We group has been very busy transforming the Multi-Purpose Room into the North Pole.  It is really starting to come together and should be all set for their event coming up this Thursday.

Our class has been assigned from 1:00 – 1:20 for a visit.  If you want your child to be involved in this voluntary trip, please send a loonie ($1.00) with them on Thursday as their entrance fee.

There will also be a bake sale where your child can purchase some delicious treats.  If you want them to do so they will need an additional loonie.

Thank you for supporting the Me to We group in their fundraising efforts to help those less fortunate in far away countries.