New Video Monitor!!


To go along with our new computer we have a new video monitor and speakers which we connect to our new computer to show video clips.  We are still awaiting having our screen moved into place but for now we are showing the clips onto our bulletin board.

We gave this system an inaugural run on Friday afternoon by viewing part of the movie, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.  This treat is a follow-up to our having completed the oral reading of the book on Thursday.  Students have enjoyed hearing the book being read – and improving their vocabulary – and are now doing a comparison of the book and the movie.  We will finish up the movie in two more installments next week.

Updated Schedule / Spelling Programme

Our daily schedule has been slightly altered.  We have added another PE block on Tuesdays during Mr. Phelps’ time in the room (between Recess and Lunch).

There is also a change with our weekly spelling lists/tests.  Mr. Phelps will now be doing the Words Their Way programme with the class – also during his time slot.  This week he is doing assessments on the students to determine their spelling groups.  Beginning next week the students will have a spelling list glued into their Planners.  They will do activities with these words throughout the week and will have their spelling tests on Fridays.  Mr. Phelps will mark these and then they will be sent home.

If you have any questions about Words Their Way, or PE, please feel free to contact Mr. Phelps.


Reading Groups / Spelling / Soccer

Today you will have received a letter from me telling you which Reading group your child has been placed in.  As previously stated, these groups will normally meet on Tuesdays through Fridays from 9:45 – 10:30 a.m.  We will not have Reading groups tomorrow, however, as Class Reviews are taking place with the Resource team.  We will re-commence the groups on Thursday.

You also should have received a note from me about our Spelling programme.  Students will get their weekly list on Mondays (these will be in their Planners) and will have their Spelling tests on Thursdays.  Please help your child practise their words before their weekly tests.  These tests will be sent home each week – for your information.

Students have enjoyed two sessions with the PASS soccer coaches so far this week.  We look forward to three more days this week and our last lesson next Monday.

The Polar Express

This afternoon I read the story, “The Polar Express” by Chris Van Allsburg, to the students.  Many were already familiar with this story.  Over the next week or so we will be exploring this book through a variety of activities including: class and small group discussions, sequencing the events, and illustrations.  We hope to watch the movie as a wrap up to our ‘mini-unit’.

Class Assignment Expectations

When students are doing their ‘seatwork’ assignments there is a wide variety in the final outcome of what each student will produce.  There are, of course, different learning outcomes for different subject areas; just as there are different levels of expectations for each grade.  I use this visual to explain the difference between a minimal effort and one that has met all the expected criteria.  This idea is used for all areas of our curriculum – not just their artwork – and visually demonstrates what is meant by including ‘details’.  For artwork they can see what is meant by ‘details’ through the gradually more developed pictures.  In their written work, students are reminded that ‘details’ are the way their writing has answered the reader’s questions of ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’, ‘why’, and ‘how’.

Phoebe Gilman

We have been reading and enjoying the books by a great Canadian author – Phoebe Gilman.  We began with the original “Jillian Jiggs” and worked our way through additional stories about this delightful girl, along with other of this author’s stories such as: Something from Nothing; Pirate Pearl; The Gypsy Princess; and Little Blue.

Students had many opportunities to respond to these books by: renaming one book; adding another page to the end of another book; describing their favourite part or character in other books; and designing a map to show the travels of characters – to name a few.  They have created quite an interesting collection of responses in their booklets.

Writer’s Workshop Published Books

While some students are off at ESL the rest of the class has been working on improving their writing and developing their sense of story.  Students write stories and, once they have a few completed ones, they then choose one to ‘publish’.  The stories are edited by the students (and with the teacher), covers are made, stories are written on ‘good copy’ papers, an ‘About the Author’ page is completed, and the books are ‘published’.  Students then get to read these to the whole class – similar to our ‘Guest Reader’ visits.

Beginning next week, ESL students will be staying in class during our Writer’s Workshop times.  I look forward to working through this process with them so their stories can be added to our growing collection of student written/published books.

Student Guest Readers

For the past few months we have been sharing some of our favourite books (and showing our greatly improved reading skills) to the class during our “Guest Reader” times each day.  Students choose books, practise them on their own and with a friend, read the book to me, and then share it with the whole class in the ‘seat of honour’ – the teacher’s pink chair!

We are currently on Round 4 (each student is now reading their 4th book to the class).  Once the student has finished reading their book the other students share their thoughts on how the student did – including their choice of book, their volume level, and the clarity of reading.

It has been a great opportunity for shared reading and enjoyment of a variety of books.

Valentine’s Day Fun!

We had a really fun day today!  When students arrived they delivered their valentines to their friends.  Some were a little large for our heart holders!

For Math today we did some addition questions with missing addends as a reminder of how to solve problems with different unknown numbers.  Students then got to work on some Valentine puzzles and word searches.

This afternoon (after our library visit) we wrote a poem following the format of a story that we read yesterday – How Much Do You Love Me?  We worked through a process of brainstorming things that our family members love a lot.  The students then put these together in the framework of our poem.  For example,


They wrote about 3 different family members and then for the finale they had to decide HOW LONG they would love them – i.e.

I’ll love you until DINOSAURS RULE THE EARTH AGAIN.  That’s how much I love you.

Once they completed their frames they wrote these poems out on heart-shaped papers, cut them out, and glued them to pink construction paper.  These are now posted on a bulletin board outside of our classroom.  Come by and check them out – they are quite well done!

Students had a choice between a Valentine’s activitiy (card making) or Centres for the end-of-day period.  At this time students got to enjoy the snacks sent in – and the treats from their Valentine’s holders.  A huge thank you to all those who sent in goodies for us to eat today!  We have some leftovers which will be enjoyed tomorrow.

REMINDER to send in the 100’s Day vests and small treats for our 100’s celebration tomorrow.