Pancake Breakfast, Santa, and Bingo

On December 18th we had a fun-filled day.  We began by joining Division 1 in the gym for a very yummy second breakfast of pancakes made by the parent group. Santa, and his elf helper, showed up and gave out goodie bags to all students.  A huge “THANK YOU” to the PAC for all their hard work and generosity!

Between Recess and Lunchtime we participated in the school-wide Bingo.  We had previously made our own personalized Bingo cards.  We were joined by three Grade 7 students who came down to help out.  Thank you to Jenae, Hasib, and Tina!!!  In between Bingo games the winning names of the raffle baskets were drawn.  We were lucky to have winners for both baskets and Bingo.

During the afternoon our class got together with the K class for some joint Centre time.  The Grade 1’s had fun re-visiting their old classroom and getting to know the K students for the first part of the afternoon.  The K’s then came to our classroom where our students introduced the K’s to our Centre activities.  The Grade 1’s seem to really enjoy being the ‘big buddies’ for the afternoon.

At the end of the day I read, “The Night Before Christmas” to my class and then we were surprised by a delivery of some very COLD LETTERS from the North Pole.  Santa answered the letters that the students had written to him.

I hope you all had a very nice break.  We are rested and ready to take on the second term!!!

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