100’s Day Celebrations


Our Hundreds Day celebrations started with students counting their steps (in groups of hundreds) during our morning fitness.  Calendar was rather exciting when we bundled up our 10 groups of 10 straws into one large ‘hundred’ bundle. Naturally our Number of the Day was 100. Students had a lot of fun coming up with math statements where the answer was 100, as you can see from the photo.

The day continued with the making of headbands (on which the students needed to put 20 stickers and write the numbers on – counting by 5’s) to which crowns were attached. On the crowns students were to make 10 groups of 10 marks (stars, dots, tally marks, etc.).


Students also worked on their large 100’s Day Poster. These will be put up after Spring Break. The highlight of the day was (as it usually is) the making of their Fruit Loop necklaces.  Students worked at the green side table where they collected Fruit Loops in groups of 10 (same colour) and then added them onto their string.  They needed to make 10 groups of 10 and to ensure that each coloured group was not next to a same coloured group.  Of course, a few Fruit Loops were harmed (eaten) in the making of these necklaces:)



During P.E. students learned just exactly how long 100 seconds can be when they are seeing how many: double footed hops; hops on one foot; frog leaps; jumping jacks, etc. that they can do in that time frame!  Suffice it to say that they were rather tired out at lunchtime!

All in all, it was a very fun-filled day for the students.  I am sure that you heard all about it when they came home.



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