Welcome back!!!

It is very nice to be back to school after a very disruptive situation for all!

I have really enjoyed getting to know my new (and reconnect with my old) students!  Parent interviews this week were also great!  I love getting to know the most important people in my students’ lives.

It has been a very hectic two weeks but we are now getting into the swing of things.  The classroom is now fully set up again, school supplies are all in place, and students are getting used to the routines.

I am thrilled to have in my class this year some of my former grade ones as I am enrolling a grade one and two class for this school year.  This occurs at our school every 2 – 3 years, mainly due to numbers.  I always enjoy these years as I have the opportunity to help the grade twos develop their leadership skills and abilities as they take on the role of peer mediator / peer helper.  This is, of course, on top of their full grade two academic curriculum.  The grade ones also benefit from this arrangement.  One of the many things that I love about Rosser is that, because of our size, our older students (all the way up to grade seven) know our younger students (all the way down to kindergarten).  This has so many benefits they are impossible to list – the main one being, of course, the social and emotional benefits of a good, strong civilization.

I try to keep this blog updated with class happenings, current events, and things to look forward to in the school and classroom.  I will be sending home a letter on Monday with the guidelines for our digital responsibilities, along with a letter about ‘informed consent’ which is now required by the District for access to this blog.  Please complete this and return it as soon as possible.

I am looking forward to a great year working with your children.

Thank you,

Mrs. Shelagh Temple

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