Acts of Kindness

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Students have been working on being ‘kinder’ to each other.  Under Ms. Sue’s direction they have been doing ‘acts’ of kindness.  They are working on reaching 100 acts.  These are displayed on individual small hearts made into groups of 10 onto larger hearts on our bulletin board in the hallway.

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They also planned and videotaped a mini-movie showing many of these acts.  Students really enjoyed the process of deciding on scenes and then recording each other.  This video was introduced by students and shown to the whole school this afternoon during our Celebration of Learning Assembly.  When the movie was over all students in the class took small hearts (that they had made with nice sayings on them) and gave them to different students and staff members in the assembly.

I think it was a great process of learning and it was enjoyable to see their pride in a job well done!

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