Laity Pumpkin Patch Trip


We left Burnaby on a beautiful, sunny, blue-sky morning.  As we neared the pumpkin farm in Maple Ridge we noticed grey clouds begin to cover up that blue sky.  Shortly after arriving the skies opened up and we were in a downpour!!  This was not something we expected but I was very impressed with the manner in which students (and parents) mustered through and all enjoyed a very fun morning.

We began in the barn area and had fun feeding, and patting, several different farm animals – including: sheep, goats, and miniature ponies.  We also saw a rooster and a hen, along with several partridges.  Students will now know what they are singing about at Christmas time – “a partridge in a pear tree”!!

We left the barn (still in the rain) and enjoyed the outside cut-outs.

We then walked past the vegetable garden and had a tractor ride.  We saw the emus that one of my Reading groups has been learning about.  We moved on to the tent area and enjoyed some juice.

After our break we began our forest walk.  At this point the rain began to subside.  There we enjoyed several of the different themed exhibitions.  Students seemed to enjoy the different areas.  We enjoyed our trip through the corn maze and then it was ‘pumpkin time’!  By now the rain had ceased and the sky was becoming blue once again!

Students each chose their own personal pumpkin to take back to school – and then on to their homes.  It was a very good crop this year!!  I chose one for our class which we will be doing some science-y things with in the next week or so.


It was a great experience for the kids.  I hope the parents also enjoyed the morning.  A HUGE THANK YOU to those parents who drove students to help us keep the cost of the field trip down!!  Thank you also to our two student teachers (Ms. Sue and Mrs. S) who drove students and helped to supervise!  Welcome to Rosser!


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