Terry Fox / Corn Roast

We began our afternoon in the classroom with a discussion of Terry Fox.  I shared information about Terry’s early life, his struggle with cancer, his journey across Eastern Canada, and his vision for raising money in order to help scientists find cures for cancer.

We then joined the rest of the school for an assembly in the gym where we saw a video of Terry’s ‘Marathon of Hope’ journey.

The official run followed the assembly.  Students had been preparing for this over the past two weeks by running each morning at the start of the school day.  I was very impressed by how well our class kept on going!  The weather was spectacular, as well.

Each student in the class had shucked one ear of corn earlier in the morning.  These cobs were then cooked by parent volunteers and given to students with the option to add butter and/or salt.  Most students enjoyed eating the corn after the run – many students went back for seconds!!



It was a great day!!  With the Pro D day tomorrow I hope you all have a great long weekend!!


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