The Elements of Art

We have begun our learning journey on the elements of art.  We started with a discussion on what an element is – the parts that make up a whole thing – by discussing elements of music and literature, and then art.  Students learned that there six elements of art: colour, shape, line, form, texture, and value.

We used leaves to demonstrate our knowledge of these elements.  We did some outlining and some rubbing techniques.  The results are quite stunning.


Trees, like artists, are Unique …

Our Art lesson last week focussed on the idea of individuality.  We began by looking at a variety of famous artist’s paintings (Monet, Van Gogh, Cezanne, Matisse, Picasso, and more) each with their own particular style, where the only thing in common was that each art piece had at least one tree. Unfortunately the glare is distorting a few of the images.

Students then created their own pieces of art.  They were able to use any of their  colouring media (felt markers, pencil crayons, or wax crayons) for their art piece.

These are displayed on the bulletin board in the hallway outside of our classroom.