Terry Fox Run and Corn Boil


What a rainy day!!!

We started our day by shucking our class set of corn on the cob.  We did this in the undercover area outside.  We then finished our ‘shoes’ for Terry. These were placed around the gym with those from the other classes. We had spent lots of time yesterday learning about Terry, his life, and his Marathon of Hope.  We also discussed cancer and people we know who have had it and who may or may not have survived.

At 2:00 all classes met in the gym for the Assembly put on by Division 1 students. After the emotional video about Terry we followed Division 1’s lead for warming up our muscles before we headed out for our run.  The heavy rain had stopped before our Assembly but it came back to a lesser degree for the run.  Students did a great job showing their spirit and support for Terry who ran a marathon every day in all sorts of weather – including heavy rain.

We headed back in to our classrooms and were treated to the cooked and buttered corn, compliments of our wonderful parents who came in to cook it for us.  Lots of students even had seconds!!

I hope you have a chance to speak with your child about Terry, his legacy, and his influence on our Canadian culture. He was a truly inspirational young man, and national hero.