
In our Art classes we have been studying the element of Art – ‘value’.  Students have learned where the colour that we see is (in the light) and that white and black are NOT colours.  White is the lightest light and black is the darkest dark.  Without light there is no colour.


Students worked with white paper and only a black wax crayon to create a picture. They used ‘contrast’ – a sudden change from dark to light – and ‘gradation’ – a gradual change using the difference in pressure of crayon on paper. The lighter the touch the lighter the result, and vice versa with darkness.

Value is not only with blacks, whites, and greys.

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Last week students learned that when black is added to a colour (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet) that the result is not a change in colour but that it becomes a darker ‘shade’ of the original colour.  For example, when black paint is added to red it creates a darker, deeper ‘shade’ of red – it doesn’t become black.  Students were reminded that ‘shade’ comes from ‘shadow’, which they know is when there is less light.  In contrast to this, when white paint is added to a colour the result is called a ‘tint’ – a lightening of the same colour.  For example, when adding white paint to red paint we get lighter versions of red which we call ‘pink’.

Students used coloured construction paper, black wax crayons, and white chalk to create these pictures.  Many seemed to think that ‘snow’ was necessary – even in April with our ‘heat-wave’ 🙂


These sets of pictures are on the two bulletin boards outside of our classroom before the Office.  Come by and check them out!

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I think they look awesome!

Plant Study


We have begun our plant study by making bags which have wet paper towels and beans in them.  These are taped to our windows so that they will have the sunlight needed to grow.  Students will be monitoring their seeds’ growth on their recording sheets.

We have also planted some flower seeds in individual pots, along with some beans and peas in other containers.


Over the course of the next several weeks we will be doing many experiments with plants.  Stay tuned …


Badminton Lessons

Students had a great week of badminton lessons last week.  Coach Thomas taught them the correct way to hold the racket and how to hit the birdie.  They also used balloons to learn how to be gentle with the rackets and to use a light touch to keep the balloons aloft.


Many students were able to keep the balloon in the air for a long time.  Some counted over 100 hits before the balloon got away from them!!

Report Cards

Hi all,

Term two return cards are being sent home tomorrow, Monday, April 4th.  If you have any questions, please make a note on your child’s report card envelope and return it to class.

Even if you have no questions, please sign the report card envelope and return it so we can use it to send home your child’s term three report card in June.  The papers in the envelope are yours to keep for your files.