JUMP Rope for Heart 2016

Tomorrow morning we will have an assembly put on by the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  Our representative, Sandra Griffin, will be running the assembly.  She will discuss the things that we should do to ensure a strong and healthy heart.  She will also talk about the annual fundraising campaign.

At Rosser we have been very involved in this activity for many years.  This is our 18th year of hosting a fundraising campaign and actively participating in a ‘JUMP’ event!!

Tomorrow afternoon students will be bringing home a letter explaining the programme.  They will also have a fundraising envelope and a paper heart.  Please help your child fill in the heart with the name of someone that they, or your family, knows who has been affected by heart or stroke concerns.  This should be returned to school so I can ‘build’ our heart wall in the gym.  If you can, or choose to, please consider making a donation to this worthy cause. There is information on how to participate on-line which makes it rather easy to do.  Students may also win prizes based on their fundraising.

Last year 40 students participated in Rosser’s fundraising.  If we have one more this year (so 41 students) then the school will be awarded a special set of gym equipment. Last year our little school raised $3101.81 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation!!!!  That is a truly amazing number for such a small school.  Income tax receipts are issued for deductions.

Our actual JUMP event will be on the afternoon of Friday, February 26th from 1:05 – 3:00.  Students will be jumping with their buddy class.  It is a lot of fun that the students really enjoy.

100’s Day



Today was the 100th day of school this year.  Students were very excited when we added the 100th straw to our Place Value pocket, and changed our running ‘days in school’ total, during Calendar.

Students brought in collections of 100 items.  They also brought in food items (100 each) to add to our 100’s Day Hash.  We will be eating this hash tomorrow (101st Day) with a special movie that we will be watching with the Kindergarten class in the afternoon.  They will tell you about it tomorrow after school.

Some of the activities that we did today were: making necklaces with 10 groups of 10 different coloured Fruit Loops; and making crowns with tally marks (20 groups of 5). These crowns were attached to head bands on which they put 20 stickers (hopefully in a pattern) and wrote the numbers 5 to 100, counting by 5’s. We also began to work in a booklet with ‘hundreds’ of math questions in it.  We will continue working on these tomorrow.



It was a hectic day – one of many this month!!  There is never a dull moment in grade 1 …

Valentine’s Day


We had a nice, quiet celebration last Friday (February 12th) when the children delivered valentines to their friends. We decorated red foam hearts with beads, stickers, and other shapes.

We also created these ‘Valentine Puppies’ out of construction paper that we cut into heart shapes and then cut and arranged them to make the dogs.  Spots were added on with red paint by using a finger as a paint brush.


These are on display on the bulletin board in the hallway between our classroom and the office.  Check them out when you get a chance.

Lunar New Year Math

We had a great week of celebration and learning last week!

Aside from our dumpling making, the great assembly, and the wonderful potluck luncheon we enjoyed – thank you to all the parents who sent in the wonderful food!! – we learned that some of the math games we are used to playing have Chinese origins!  Students spent the afternoon on Thursday playing: Tic Tac Toe; dominoes, and Chinese checkers.


We also heard the story “Grandfather Tang’s Story” and did some experimenting with tangrams – a square which is cut into seven different shapes.





Our lanterns looked great in the classroom, and when we moved them to the gym for the assembly.



Lunar New Year 2016

Our Lunar New Year celebration will be held this Friday (February 5th) as the day of the actual holiday is on Monday, February 8th which is a statutory holiday (Family Day).

We will begin our day by each making some traditional Chinese dumplings with the wonderful mums of the PAC who come in to teach the students this technique.  The dumplings are then cooked and brought to classrooms as part of the luncheon.

After Recess we will be holding our assembly.  Some classes will be presenting and there will also be our school’s version of the dragon dance performed by divisions 3 and 1.

We will be back in our classes by 11:30 a.m. to enjoy our annual potluck luncheon. Thank you, in advance, for the wonderful food that you will send in.  It would be great if a few parents could stay and help with setting up and cleaning up the food.

In our classroom this week we have been doing activities about the traditions of Lunar New Year.  Students wrote poems about dragons. These are on display on the bulletin board by the office.


Today our Directed Drawing lesson was on a Chinese dragon.  These are on display on the bulletin board at the back of our classroom.  Unfortunately the photos of most of the pencil drawings are too light to show up.  I have a few included below.  It would be great if you could see them in the classroom.  The students are showing strong improvement in their drawings from September!!  These dragons are quite impressive!



Tomorrow morning the whole school will be in the gym enjoying a traditional Chinese musical group called Golden Pearl.  Tomorrow afternoon our class will continue with our theme-based activities.

Happy Year of the Monkey!