Elements of Art Lesson


Last Thursday we had a discussion on the Elements of Art.  Students learned what an element is (the parts that make up a whole thing).  We then discussed the six things (elements) that make up Art – colour, form, shape, value, line, and texture.

On Friday, students explored these elements through the media of wax crayons and leaves by experimenting with rubbing techniques.  They outlined some leaves to show ‘line’ and ‘shape’.  They used a variety of ‘colours’.  By putting more or less pressure on the wax crayons they were able to show ‘value’ (lightness and darkness). The feathery look of the rubbings inferred ‘texture’.  The only element that was not able to be demonstrated was ‘form’ as the leaf rubbings cannot be picked up off of the paper.

The students’ work is on the bulletin board in the hallway outside of our classroom.

Here are some portions of the rubbings:
