Welcome back to school!!

It has been a good start-up to the new school year this year.  As we are about to enter our third week (our second full week together as a class) the students are beginning to settle in nicely.  We have been working on learning the routines of Grade 1.  We are hoping to have our weekly schedule finalized this upcoming week at which point a copy will be sent home, as well as updated on the Weekly Schedule page on this blog.

Most of the start-up paperwork (forms and supply money) have already been returned!  Thank you to all who have done so.  If you have not yet returned these forms (and money) please do so as soon as possible.  The office needs to get the class verification paperwork updated for the new year and the school supplies have been purchased and are already being put to good use.

I have updated the Upcoming Events page on this blog.  I am looking forward to meeting all the parents this week during our Intake Interviews.  This is a great opportunity for you to share with me your thoughts and other information about your child.

A notice about the Laity Pumpkin Patch field trip will be coming home soon.

If you have any questions or comments you could: drop me an email; write a note and put it in the front plastic pocket of your child’s planner; or chat with me after school.

I am looking forward to a great school year with your children.

Mrs. S. Temple