Field Trip to the V.S.O.

Last Thursday we enjoyed a very fun trip to the Orpheum Theatre to see – and, more importantly, HEAR – the wonderful Vancouver Symphony Orchestra!!  What a great treat for all of us. Just being in the magnificent Orpheum Theatre is a treat on its own. The architecture is truly a sight to see!  The students seemed to very much enjoy it. Then we were introduced to all the sections of the orchestra; woodwind, brass, string, and percussion.

The orchestra played a variety of music, each of which told a story.  Many of these stories were familiar to the students, such as the waltz from Sleeping Beauty.  The bus trip is always fun for the students, as well.  We enjoyed the sights of downtown Vancouver.  It was great to see the cherry blossoms and magnolia trees in blossom! As usual, a few students napped on the way home!  It is all part of the experience!

Lunar New Year Celebrations


We had a very busy and full day on Thursday, February 19th.  We began the day by preparing dumplings in the staff room.  We thank the moms who came in to help us in this process.  After Recess we went to the Assembly in the gym.  Our class performed their poem – “What Colour Were the Dragons?”  They did a very nice job!  Then our grade one students read the poems that they wrote about dragons.  We thank Jana for holding the microphone for them so that they could be heard by the whole audience – including all the parents who came to the assembly.  I think that the grade ones enjoyed their moment in the spotlight!

After the assembly we enjoyed a lovely buffet feast in our classroom.  Thank you to everyone who sent in food for this event!

Our lanterns turned out very nicely and look great hanging in the classroom .  Some of them are in the hallway on the bulletin board with the dragon poems.



All in all, it was a great day!!