Directed Drawing – Bats


Last Friday we had our first ‘directed drawing’ lesson.  We drew bats as we have just begun our study on them.


Students followed my lead as I drew on the white board and they drew on their art paper.  We did a step-by-step process while discussing the anatomy of a bat.  Students learned that a bat’s wing is actually formed like our arms and hands – with a thumb and four fingers on each side. These wings are covered with a taut skin while the bat’s body is covered with fur.  Students showed this fur with the addition of lines.  We reviewed the art element of ‘texture’ – how something feels or how it looks like it feels.

We then repeated this drawing process onto light grey construction paper, also initially in pencil.  Once they had completed their pencil drawings they went over those drawing lines with oil pastels.  They then added a few ‘seasonal’ bits of extra scenery such as pumpkins, grass, stars, and a moon.




If you are by the school, please drop in to see their work.  I think they are wonderful!

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