Vancouver Symphony Orchestra

This Friday – February 28th – we will be going by school bus to the VSO.  This is always a great field trip and a lovely experience for the students.

As we are going to a ‘fancy’ place (the Orpheum Theatre) we do allow – and encourage – students to ‘dress up’ for the occasion.  While this is not mandatory, if you like your child can wear ‘party clothes’ for this special event.

Acts of Kindness

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Students have been working on being ‘kinder’ to each other.  Under Ms. Sue’s direction they have been doing ‘acts’ of kindness.  They are working on reaching 100 acts.  These are displayed on individual small hearts made into groups of 10 onto larger hearts on our bulletin board in the hallway.

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They also planned and videotaped a mini-movie showing many of these acts.  Students really enjoyed the process of deciding on scenes and then recording each other.  This video was introduced by students and shown to the whole school this afternoon during our Celebration of Learning Assembly.  When the movie was over all students in the class took small hearts (that they had made with nice sayings on them) and gave them to different students and staff members in the assembly.

I think it was a great process of learning and it was enjoyable to see their pride in a job well done!

100’s Day Fun!!!

Today we celebrated the 100th day of school!!  Students did ‘hundreds’ of things including making Fruit Loop necklaces by counting colour groups of ten cereal pieces onto strings and making crown headbands.  These headbands had stickers arrayed in patterns on which the students recorded the counting numbers (by 5’s) to one hundred.  Attached to the bands were crowns on which the students made 20 sets of 5 in tally marks.


Students worked through a booklet with activities involving 100.  They also decorated a dalmatian dog with 100 spots.  This was a prelude to watching the first half of the movie 101 Dalmatians.  The second half will be enjoyed tomorrow.

I hope your child had a fun 100th day of school.

Jump Rope for Heart

Last Friday (February 7th) we had a great afternoon doing Olympic themed jumping events in the gym with our buddies from Division 2.  It was a lot of fun!

Thank you to all who submitted donations for the Heart and Stroke Foundation – either on-line or by cash/cheque donations returned to the school.  I have tallied all the results and it looks like we have beaten our record from last year.  I will announce the final results once the Heart and Stroke Foundation has confirmed the totals.

I was very impressed by how many students in our class participated in fundraising – and also by the amounts raised!!

The forms should be picked up by our representative by next week and, once they are tallied, the prizes will then be sent to me for distribution.

Student Teacher

As you all know, our student teacher (Ms. Sue) has now entered the full immersion phase of her practicum.  She is in her second week of ‘taking over’ the class.

Students have been enjoying her theme unit on ‘family’.  This is part of our Social Studies curriculum which we are doing this year at a very opportune time as we just celebrated Family Day.  I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend.

There is a letter coming home tomorrow about a family crest project.  Please help your child get some ideas on their paper and return it on the date stated in the letter.  This will ensure that your child completes their project at school successfully.   Thanks for your continued support.

Students are also learning 2-D shapes in her geometry unit.  They enjoyed a great story and then created their own ‘geometrical’ mice.  I think they look great on our bulletin board!



What do you think?


Lunar New Year Assembly / Luncheon

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We all enjoyed a really nice assembly for Lunar New Year on January 31st.  The K’s sang a song, Mrs. O’Meara’s class told the story of the zodiac, and Mrs. Schwarz’s class did a ribbon dance.  We saw a martial arts demonstration by a student of Mr. Lee’s and from Mr. Lee (Morris’ dad) himself.  Divisions one and three did their dance with the lion and the dragon.  We presented our poem, What Colour Were the Dragons, which students had practised at home.

Back in our classrooms we enjoyed a very tasty lunch!!  We had a very good ‘spread’ this year.  In fact, other adults in the building came by to check it out and all agreed that it was particularly well done!

Thank you to all our parents for helping your child practise their poem homework and for sending in the great food for our lunch.  It was all very much appreciated.