Updated Schedule / Spelling Programme

Our daily schedule has been slightly altered.  We have added another PE block on Tuesdays during Mr. Phelps’ time in the room (between Recess and Lunch).

There is also a change with our weekly spelling lists/tests.  Mr. Phelps will now be doing the Words Their Way programme with the class – also during his time slot.  This week he is doing assessments on the students to determine their spelling groups.  Beginning next week the students will have a spelling list glued into their Planners.  They will do activities with these words throughout the week and will have their spelling tests on Fridays.  Mr. Phelps will mark these and then they will be sent home.

If you have any questions about Words Their Way, or PE, please feel free to contact Mr. Phelps.


Clothing Drive

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The leadership group are running a clothing drive until October 29th.  If you have some used clothing that is no longer suitable (size-wise or other), please bag it up and deliver it to the stage in the gym.  These bags of clothes will be delivered to a needy, local charity after the 29th.

Thank you for supporting this cause.

The Elements of Art

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Last week we began our study of the Elements of Art.  We did crayon rubbings with which the students demonstrated their understanding of the six elements.  Most of these elements are fairly self-explanatory (colour, shape, line, form) but as an FYI – ‘texture’ is how something feels or ‘looks’ like it feels, and ‘value’ is the lightness or darkness of something.  Value can be with colours or non-colours (black, white, and grey).  The difference between ‘shape’ and ‘form’ is the dimensionality – e.g. a 2-D shape drawn on the board is a ‘shape’ but as I can’t pick it up off the board it has no ‘form’.

Here are some of the crayon rubbings:

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