McGill Library Dates

The following notice was sent home on Friday, September 27, 2013.  Please refer to this page as a reminder of the important information.

Dear Parents,

Please see below the list of days when Div. 5 and 6 will walk to McGill Library to choose books.  On the day of our visit, please send any books to be returned in a plastic bag.  Your child will also need to bring their library card that day and be dressed appropriately for the weather as we will be walking even if it is raining.  If your child forgets their library book, your child will not be able to take out a book that day and we would ask that your family return the overdue book as soon as possible so that your child may select a book on the following visit.

Thank you so much for getting library cards for your children.  We are looking forward to our monthly trips!

Mr. Phelps      Ms. Nazaruk

Here are our library dates, each on a Tuesday:

Oct. 1

Nov. 5

Dec. 3

Jan. 7

Feb. 4

March 4

April 8

May 6

June 3

Please note also – you are responsible for any overdue fees if your child’s book ends up being overdue.