Welcome to Grade One!!!

On Friday our classes were confirmed and we are ready to get into the business of being Grade One students!!  I am looking forward to a wonderful, fun-filled, and productive year with the students.

You should have noticed that your child brought home a shiny new Planner on Friday.  There will be a notice going home next week asking for payment for these personal planning devices.  All notices are placed into the plastic pocket inside the front cover.  Please remove them, read or respond to them, and place items to be returned to me at school in this pocket each night.

Every day students will write a message in the day’s space which is then signed by the teacher.  At the beginning of the school year most of the students cannot read these messages – and aren’t expected to do so!  It begins as learning how to copy off of the board but as time passes it becomes so much more.

Please check your child’s Planner every day.  You may initial in the space by the teacher’s initials, if you like, to indicate that you have read it.

The Planner has a lot of information about the school written in the first several pages.  The students and I went through all of this very briefly as much of it is for YOUR information more than it is for theirs.  On the front inside page – above the school contact information – I have glued a piece of paper which contains the school website along with the web address for this class blog.

I use this blog to regularly update you on the goings-on in our classroom.  You may peruse previous entries from former years, as you like.

Learning how and using a Planner is a very important part of the Ministry curriculum for Personal Planning and Social Responsibility.  Please help your child by sharing this experience with them by checking it and reading it every night.  The Planner must be returned to school each morning as this is a daily activity in our classroom.

Your continuing support and assistance in your child’s educational welfare is appreciated.

Thank you,

Mrs. S. Temple