Greater Vancouver Zoo Trip


We had a spectacular trip today!!  Most of us had never seen a pure white peacock before.  Isn’t it lovely?

I am sure that we are all very tired tonight after all that walking in the fresh air.  We were extremely fortunate that the weather was good.  It began cool and cloudy and then warmed up gradually over the course of the day.  By the time we left the sun was out and we were in shirt-sleeves!

We saw many interesting animals from around the world.  Part of our day was a guided tour where we looked at several different animals and discussed how they have adapted to their environments in order to survive.  Some of the ways that the animals have adapted included: camouflage, body size, colouring, or other unique features including horns (rhinos) or tail length (squirrel monkeys).


We were very fortunate to be able to see the lions and tiger being fed.  The male lion was truly spectacular.  We had to be careful to not get ‘sprayed’ as he seemed to like to ‘aim’ at the fence toward the benches where people were sitting.


While walking we shared many of our personal stories with animals.  Maya A told me how she rode on a camel on her recent trip to India.  I am not sure how this one would have like to have us riding on him!  He seemed a little too interested in just eating.


All in all, it was a great experience for all of us.  I am sure your child will share their stories with you.  Thanks to all the parent volunteers who came and enjoyed the day with us.

A Few Year-End Reminders

It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of another school year!!


1) All library books are now due back to school.  Mrs. Levington will be printing off bills for lost/missing books shortly.

2) New Brighton Field trip:  We do have drivers for about half of the class at this point.  If you are able to help out with this, and have not already let me know, please consider this trip.

3) Report cards will be issued (as per District policy) on the last day that students attend which is Thursday, June 27th (from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m.) this year.  If you will not be at school on that day please email me so that I can arrange for our secretary, Mrs. Ameixa, to mail it to your home.

4) We will be going on a few walking field trips (noted on the calendar on the front of the Rosser website) – to the Safeway and the Fire Hall.  The dates on the original monthly calendar were incorrect but have now been changed.  If you are able to join us for these two trips let me know.

5) In order to accommodate the extra time needed to be made-up to allow for our two week Spring Break next year, beginning in September our school hours will be 8:50 a.m. (start) and dismissal will be at 3:03 p.m.  Please adjust your mental clocks to have students at school for the 8:50 a.m. first bell.

As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask me when you drop off/pick up your child – or email me.