100’s Day is Coming!!!

100’s Day is a special day for primary students.  It is the 100th day that we have been in school this school year.  The actual date fluctuates in any calendar school year, depending upon holidays and other school interruptions.

This year, for us, the date falls on February 14th which is also Valentine’s Day.  In order to get all the activities done that we like to do for these two days, I am sending home a tag board 100 poster for the students to arrange their 100 collections upon.  There is a letter explaining all of the needed information attached to this poster.  It is coming home tomorrow so that you may spend some time on the long weekend to get this completed.

Thank you, in advance, for helping your child collect and glue their collections on this poster.  They may colour/decorate the board first before they glue their items on it.  Please ensure that they put their names on this poster.  Also, please use liquid white glue so that the items will stick solidly on the poster as these will put put up on the bulletin board.  Once the glue is dry it is not very visible.



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