The Next Few Days . . .

We are busily getting ready for the Christmas Concert and finalizing our Christmas crafts.  Here is some information to keep you all ‘in the loop’:

**Raffle tickets are on sale at the Office.  Please support the PAC by purchasing some.

**Please send in items for the Food Bank.


Concert Dress Rehearsal: 10:45 – 12:00

Matinee Performance: 1:00 p.m.  No tickets are needed for this show.

Evening Performance: 7:00 p.m.  The two tickets that were sent home are needed for your entrance to this show.  **Students need to be in the classroom by 6:45 p.m.


Pancake Breakfast: 9:20 – 9:40 a.m.

School-Wide Bingo: 10:45 – 12:00

Dismissal will be at the regular time of 3:00 p.m.

Return to school after Christmas Break will be on Monday, January 7th.

Gingerbread Houses!

Division 5 had a lot of fun this afternoon creating their lovely little gingerbread (Graham Wafer) houses.

I was very impressed with the generosity of the students with their sharing of their supplies with those who had none.

All students seemed to have a very fun time.  It was a very nice ending to a very busy day of preparation for our Christmas concert.


Santa’s Workshop – by Me to We

The Me to We group has been very busy transforming the Multi-Purpose Room into the North Pole.  It is really starting to come together and should be all set for their event coming up this Thursday.

Our class has been assigned from 1:00 – 1:20 for a visit.  If you want your child to be involved in this voluntary trip, please send a loonie ($1.00) with them on Thursday as their entrance fee.

There will also be a bake sale where your child can purchase some delicious treats.  If you want them to do so they will need an additional loonie.

Thank you for supporting the Me to We group in their fundraising efforts to help those less fortunate in far away countries.

Key of Harmony

I was very lucky to be invited to hear the Burnaby District Children’s Choir, which is called “Key of Harmony”, perform their Christmas concert at the Brentwood Park Alliance Church this evening.  Thank you, Maya F.!!

We are very lucky, at Rosser, that Mr. Phelps has taken on this job this year.  It is great to be able to host this choir at our school as it makes it so accessible for our students.  We have thirteen students (from Grade 1 to Grade 4) in the District Choir this year.  Division 5 has three of these students in our class – Maya F., Ella, and Jackie!!

The choir sang a nice selection of Christmas songs intermingled with an audience participation sing-along of some Christmas carols.  I think I am starting to get that “Christmas feeling”.

Our Nutcracker Visit

Last Friday our class joined most of our school on a trip to Michael J. Fox Theatre to see the Royal City Youth Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker.  We travelled there via school bus.  I was very impressed by how well behaved the class (actually the whole school) was on this trip.  I had a great vantage seat to observe our class while they were watching the show.  I really enjoyed seeing how enthralled they were with the action and the music.  It was a truly spectacular show and a great experience for the students.

Gingerbread Houses

On Friday I sent home a notice about this activity.  The children really enjoy making these candied houses!  Please send in the items on the notice by Friday, Dec. 14th so that I can get things all ready in time.

In addition to the items on the list, if any of you has any empty small sized milk cartons (creamo or whipping cream, as well) could you please rinse them out and send them in with your child?  We used to have a surplus of these but now that we don’t have the milk programme anymore we don’t have as many.

Thanks for your help with this project!

Burnaby Heritage Village Field Trip

On Friday I sent home a notice about this planned trip with Division 6.  It is a great place to visit – especially just before the holidays with all of its decorations.  I am hoping that we have enough drivers for this trip.  Last year we had to cancel our class (this year’s grade 2’s) from the trip due to lack of drivers.  Please fill in the form and return it as soon as you can – but definitely before the due date (Thursday, December 13th).  Thanks!