Our Poppies

We created some beautiful poppies for Remembrance Day.  We began by drawing the poppies on white drawing paper.  Students then traced over their pencil lines with china grease markers.  Using tempera paint, students painted the centres green and the petals red.  They were encouraged to go ‘over the lines’ of the china markers.  A few days later, when the paint was dried, students cut out their poppies and glued them onto dark green construction paper.

I really enjoy how all the poppies are uniquely different from each other.  These 9 are only a sample of the class collection.  They are all displayed in the classroom on the back bulletin board – with two on the bulletin board outside of our door in the hallway.  Drop by to see them if you get a chance.

Recipe Book

I have just added one of my favourite recipes to the website where Rosser recipes are being collected for our community cookbook project.  It was a really easy process.  Here is the link:


Username: rosserelementary     Password: rosser8801

Please take some time to go to this website and add your child’s favourite recipe.  It would be great if all of the students could have an entry in the finished book.  I am looking forward to seeing the completed cookbook.

Hallowe’en Costumes

We had a very fun-filled and exciting Hallowe’en day.  We began with our Hallowe’en parade in the gym with the whole school.  Don’t they look great??

We had our regular morning routines through until lunchtime.  After lunch we were invited by Mr. Phelps to watch “The Great Pumpkin” cartoon with Charlie Brown.  I then read them “Froggy’s Hallowe’en” before we went up to the Haunted House put on by the Me to We club.  Our class collected a whole box of canned goods for the Food Bank!!  Well done!!

The rest of our afternoon was spent with Hallowe’en games, cupcakes (for Marco’s birthday), and Centres.  A very fun afternoon.