Me to We Play Day

As the winners of the Terry Fox fundraiser, our division won a play activity with the Me to We club.  This afternoon we were treated to fun-filled hour of gym activities set up the Ms. Sikic’s club.  There were five stations including: tail tag; bean bag hand ball; one where you knocked over skittles while on a balance ball; an obstacle course to maneuver while carrying wiffle balls in a scoop; and a scooter course.  The class was divided into five groups and they rotated through the different stations.

We gave our hosts a great big “thank you” for their thoughtful planning and their clever station set ups.

PNE Field Trip

We had an exciting morning on our field trip today.  Students learned a lot about how a farm provides us with our food – which we buy from our grocery stores.  Students had an opportunity to see a real cow being milked by a milking machine, and then saw the milk being fed to the baby calf, Charlie.

I’d like to thank all the parents who helped us out by driving and supervising on the trip.  We couldn’t have done this trip without you.

As a finale of the trip students were able to choose a pumpkin to take home to carve for their Hallowe’en celebrations.

I hope everyone had a fun-filled morning.