Welcome Back!!

It has been a really busy start-up to the new school year.  We had a very exciting first week in our family groupings with sessions and lessons about healthy living.  Once we were settled into our class we got right into learning about each other through our “All About Me” unit.  We are currently finishing up our final posters on this project and then I will hang them on our hallway bulletin boards and post some here.

I enjoyed meeting and chatting with parents at our Student Intake Interviews last week.  It is always interesting to hear about my students from their parents’ perspective.  Please keep these lines of communication open by contacting me via my school email account – shelagh.temple@sd41.bc.ca – or by sending me a note in the front pocket of your child’s planner.

I have updated this blog’s ‘standing’ pages including: our weekly schedule; upcoming events – as well as the ‘programme’ pages on: art, science, and reading.

Now that we are into our regular schedule and routines I am hoping to post regular updates of our happenings in the classroom.


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