Science World Field Trip

As you know we have re-scheduled this trip for Tuesday, March 27th.  Unfortunately, when we re-booked the date the workshops were all full.  You should have received your $1.00 refund which I sent home yesterday.

We will still be travelling by school bus, seeing the Dinosaur Alive movie, and enjoying the dinosaur exhibits.  As we needed to change the date we may still have a spot available for a parent helper to join us.  If you are available on this date please send me an email.  My email address is available on the home page of this blog.

We are all looking forward to this trip as a wonderful way to wrap up our dinosaur unit.  The students have learned a lot of great information.  They are now very knowledgeable about dinosaurs!!

iPad Raffle Tickets

There are only a few more days to buy your raffle tickets!  The winning ticket will be drawn on Friday, March 16th.  All collected money will be spent on items needed for our Fine Arts programme – and the winner gets a brand new iPad!!

You can either buy your tickets from Mrs. Lopez in the school office or simply return the notice with your money and your tickets will be sent home to you.  Please remember that the tickets must be purchased in the name of a legal adult – someone over the age of 19 years.

Thank you for your support!!!