Science World Field Trip

A letter will be coming home on Monday, February 27th about a field trip that we will be taking on Tuesday, March 6th to Science World.  This trip will be via school bus and will include Divisions 5 and 7.

Divisions 6 and 7 will be focussing on the dinosaur theme that we have been studying.  We will be doing a dinosaur workshop, viewing the dinosaur Omnimax movie, and spending our time in the dinosaur exhibit currently on display at Science World.  Division 5 will be doing their own study focus during this field trip.

There will be the opportunity for one parent only per class to come with us on this trip due to limited space on the bus and the costs of admittance to Science World.  Please complete and return the letter by the due date noted on the letter.

We are all looking forward to a fun and interesting trip!

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