Jump Rope is on Friday!!

We are looking forward to a fun event this Friday afternoon!  We will be doing our jump event with our buddies in Division 3.

Please send in your completed donation forms for the Heart and Stroke Foundation.  The deadline is next Wednesday, February 22nd.  If you have chosen the on-line option please indicate this by writing this on the donation form and returning it to school.

The red hearts that were sent home need to be completed and returned by this Friday.

Thank you.

100’s Day Activities

Wow – what a day today!  We loved changing our calendar straws to 100!  We then began a full and eventful day of hundreds of things!  We made:

– Fruit Loop necklaces with ten colour groups of ten pieces of cereal each

– headbands with 20 stickers in colour and shape patterns, counting by 5’s to 100.  We also did tally marks on the ‘crown’ with 20 groups of 5 tally sets.

We also:

– divided our 100 little snacks into bowls to share with our friends.  We enjoyed these while watching 101 Dalmatians with the kindergardeners this afternoon.

We worked on several activities in our 100’s Day booklet and some students worked on completing their 100’s Day poster.

We took a group photo wearing our vests.  These vests are now on the bulletin board in the hallway.  The collections look great – hopefully you can come by and see them.