Tues., Oct. 8, 2019

  • Math (due tom)
    • 4: p. 24
    • 5: p. 30/31
  • Science: booklets completed up to and including “before” measurements and observations (due tom)
  • SS: governance questions (due Thurs)
  • Food drive (last day is Thurs)
  • YPC tomorrow! 🙂
  • French (gr 5s) #1-20 quiz on Fri
  • Sugar Skulls
    • 4s: nothing (unless you’re not caught up)
    • 5s: finish booklet ?ns and colour skull (due Thurs)
  • Camp boomerang forms (Oct 10)
  • Booklet (up to and including Personal Awareness and Responsibility) due tom.

Note from Mrs. Suh: don’t wait until the night before work is due to start working on it. If you do a little bit every day, it well get done and reduce your stress. Also, any tough questions you can come and ask me for help BEFORE it is due. ☺️

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Mon., Oct. 7, 2019

  • Math (Wed)
    • 4: p. 24
    • 5: p. 30/31
  • Thanksgiving Food Drive (Oct. 2-10) **social responsibility opportunity!!**
  • Camp “boomerang” forms (Oct 10)
  • French (5s only) quiz #1-20 (Fri)
  • Booklet (up to and including Personal Awareness and Responsibility (Wed)
  • Sugar Skulls (4s only) questions and colour (Tom)
  • Science: complete booklet up to and including procedure AND remember to bring liquid for science experiment (Tom)
  • Meditation Mondays: https://youtu.be/kZystAgCjqY
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Fri., Oct. 3, 2019

  • Thanksgiving Food Drive Donations – Oct. 2-10
  • LA: The Origin of Halloween Questions – due Mon.
    • Remember to write in FULL and COMPLETE sentences.
  • Science:
    • Bring liquid for experiment (Tues)
    • Complete Booklet (up to and including Procedure) BEFORE you can start your experiment
  • Camp “Boomerang” form – due Oct. 10
  • French: Numbers 1-20 (say/write/recognize)
    • QUIZ Oct. 11
  • Booklet: Completed up to (and including) Personal Awareness and Social Responsibility – due Wed.
  • Math – due Mon.
    • 4: p. 21 (Equations Using Variables +/-)
    • 5 p. 27/27 (Equations Using Variables x/division)
    • TEST On Oct. 16th (Patterns and Equations)
      • use your homework corrections as a way to study and review for the test (30 mins every night is suggested if you have no other work)
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Wed. Oct 2, 2019

  • Food drive (Oct. 2-10)
  • Math (due tomorrow)
    • 4: p. 17
    • 5: p. 22
  • L.A. Vocab (due tomorrow)
  • Science: bring in your “liquid” for Tuesday
    • also, make sure Question, Hypothesis, materials and procedure are completed
  • Camp “Boomerang” form (by Oct. 10)
  • French QUIZ Friday (1-10)
  • Booklets:
    • complete Personal Awareness and Responsibility by Wednesday next week.
      • please ensure you take good care of these booklets and DON’T LOSE them!!!
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Tues., Oct. 1, 2019

  • Math (due Tom.)
    • 4: p. 16
    • 5: p. 19
  • L.A. (due Thurs.)
    • Vocabulary words
      • define and use in a sentence
  • Science: (due Tom.)
    • Analysis
    • Conclusion
    • **ALL sections should now be completed if you have been keeping up with the homework**
  • French (due Fri.)
  • Booklet (due Tom.)
    • up to and including Critical Thinking
    • (we will be doing the next Core Competency tomorrow)
  • YPC (last call….)
    • Ava (I have not received any consent forms yet)
    • Anika
    • Yanni
  • Name tags (overdue) **last call**
    • Ava
    • Anika
    • Olivia
    • Nicholas
    • Lucius
    • Sebastian
    • Yanni
    • Venus
  • Camp Sasamat (“Boomerang”) form (due Oct. 10)
  • NOTE: I will be away tomorrow morning and you will have a TOC. Please be on your best behaviour and remember to use your incredible core competencies.


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Mon., Sep 30, 2019

  • Math
    • we had to cancel math today due to the Orange Shirt Day assembly, for those of you who did not bring or complete your homework, NO EXCUSES tomorrow 😉
  • L.A. Vocabulary words (Due Thurs)
    • 1. Abolish
    • 2. absurd
    • 3. abuse
    • 4. access
    • 5. accomplish
    • 6. achievement
    • 7. aggressive
    • 8. alternate
    • 9. altitude
    • 10. antagonist
    • 11. antonym
    • 12. anxious
    • 13. apparent
    • 14. approximate
    • 15. aroma
    • 16. assume
    • 17. astound
    • 18. available
    • 19. avalanche
  • Science “After” measurements (due tom)
  • French (5s only)
    • practice 1-10 (saying, spelling and recognizing)
  • Booklet – Critical Thinking (due Wed)
  • CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who earned a spot in this years production of Elf!!!!! 

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Thurs., Sept. 26, 2019

  • Math (due Tom)
    • 4: p. 13 + corrections on worksheet
    • 5: p. 16 + corrections on worksheet
  • L.A. (due Mon)
    • 4: Automobiles
    • 5: Frederick Douglass
  • Science (should be done already) *due Tue
    • Materials
    • Procedure
    • Measurements after experiment
  • Play auditions all week
  • Terry Fox donations (last day is Tom)
  • Booklet (Critical Thinking) due Wed
  • YPC: (Overdue)
    • Anika
    • Ava
    • Hossna
    • Yanni
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Wed., September 25, 2019

*** First of all…. Mrs Suh is NOT happy with how the class was left before you all left for music (where you are dismissed from on Wednesdays). She also didn’t like having to give so many reminders to everyone about behaviour expectations…. we can do better. We WILL do better. ***

  • Math (due tom)
    • 4: p. 12 (plus the worksheet)
    • 5: p. 15 (plus the worksheet)
  • Shirts with Words Day tom
  • Play auditions (this week)
  • S.S. 4 questions (due tom to Mrs. Chung)
  • Terry Fox Run (Tom)
    • dress for running in any weather
    • donations accepted all week
    • completed shoe art due tom as well
  • Core Competency Booklets (due tom)
    • complete Critical Thinking page
  • Remember to bring ALL work that you bring home, back to school (including homework, projects, p.e. strip, planners, binders etc)
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Tues., Sept. 24, 2019

  • Picture Day Tomorrow!
  • Math (Due Tom)
    • grade 4s: Explore on p. 10
    • grade 5s: Explore on p. 13
  • Shirts with Words (Spirit Day) on Thurs
  • S.S. 4 Questions (for Mrs. Chung) due Tom
  • Terry Fox Run on Thurs (donations are being collected all week)
  • Mrs. Suh needs your YPC forms and money. If you’ve already paid (brother or sister in another division), please have your parents let her know by writing a note in your planner
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Mon., Sept. 23, 2019

  • Picture Day (on Wednesday)
  • Math: (Due Wed)
    • grade 4s: Complete Explore (p. 10) *square dot paper
    • grade 5s: Complete Explore (p. 13) *triangle dot paper
  • Music – note sheet due tomorrow!
  • Booklet – complete Social Responsibility page (Due Wed)
  • Science – complete first three sections: (Due tom)
    • Research
    • Hypothesis
    • Experiment (DON’T DO THE EXPERIMENT!!! Just explain what you will do)
  • S.S. 4 Questions (to Mrs. Chung) due Thurs
  • L.A. (due Wed)
    • grade 4s: complete Amelia Earhart section
    • grade 5s: complete The Williams Sisters section
  • YPC (Young People’s Concert) – Overdue
    • Anika
    • Ava
    • Evelyn
    • Hossna
    • Sami
    • Shayla
    • Yanni
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